What is a Catechumen?
A catechumen is someone who is not baptized and is in process to prepare to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. This person has to celebrate the rite of welcome to officially be considered a catechumen.
What is a Candidate?
A candidate is an adult or youth (9th grade in school and 14 years old) who is baptized and is in the process to prepare to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.
What are the rites?
The rites are the celebrations of the Church for those who are on the road to receiving the sacraments of initiation. All the rites are mandated by the Church. The candidate and their sponsor must be present at all the rites and ceremonies listed here.
Steps for RCIC 1st year
- For Catechumens choose ONLY one couple to be Sponsors for all the sacraments
- Sponsors need to be able to receive communion when they attend Sunday mass and also at the mass in which the various rites are celebrated.